Our clients

We are glad to welcome you on our website. If you are looking for cosmetology equipment, can not decide on the model, lose a lot of offers and characteristics of the product, we offer to become a client of our company Impuls Medical. Our managers will help you with all questions. We represent our clients with whom we have close dealing on this page.

Equipment for cosmetic services

***You will need equipment and material to supply your cosmetology office or salon. It will depend directly on what services you are going to provide. We suggest you consider the basic set for the salon cosmetology that you can buy in our company:

  • Cosmetic chair (depending on the service)
  • Examination couch
  • Cosmetological seat
  • Diode laser (depending on the service)
  • Cosmetological trolley
  • Desk for master

Although the equipment is the most expensive part of the cosmetology business organization, you should not economize on it. Quality equipment is the key to quality services. You will be able to use such services as installments and credit, the rental of cosmetology equipment. These services will help you optimize your expenses.